I know burnout all too well.
It’s the utterly worn-out feeling from trying to fit into a neurotypical world that wasn’t made for us. It’s that persistent feeling of mental and physical exhaustion from the prolonged stress of struggling to manage your ADHD symptoms.
I don’t really have to describe it to you - because if you have ADHD, you likely know EXACTLY what burnout feels like. I talk about burnout regularly in the My Lady ADHD community - because it comes up SOOOO OFTEN. This is something that we are all majorly dealing with. ALL THE TIME.
I recently asked the ADHD community for some tips on what helps them crawl out of burnout - and how to stay in that calmer, more peaceful state LONGER. Here were their top 5 tips:
Top 5 Tips for ADHD Burnout
1. Ask for help
Tell someone close to you that you’re feeling burnt out - someone who is your safe space. Ask them to help you prioritize things and show them your calendar. Maybe there are things you can step away from? Maybe they can take them off your plate? It’s so critical to ask for help even though it can be painful to do so.
2. Carve out time for yourself
Schedule in blocks of time for Y-O-U. Don’t assign a task to yourself during this time… just set aside 15 min breaks and ask yourself in that moment, “what do I need right now? Is it a shower? Is it laying on the couch?” Set a timer and give yourself space to be you. To rest.
3. Go be in nature
This was one of the most suggested tips for burnout — time in nature. It sounds so simple but can also be so challenging if your schedule is packed full of all of the obligations you’ve gotten yourself wrapped into. Start small. If possible, do this with someone else. It’s amazing how healing TREES, WATER, and SUNLIGHT can be.
4. Do less
Really evaluate what you’re asking of yourself. Are you really capable of all of those items on your to-do list? Lower your expectations for yourself and DO LESS THINGS.
5. Practice boundaries
Practice saying “no”. I promise it does take practice. Start small and work your way up. Maybe you should say “no” to that lunch invite when what you REALLY want to do is stay home and rest? Practice listening to your inner voice when it’s asking for a break.
One more recommendation:
In other news…
I’m soooo excited to announce that registration is now open for the Refocus Your ADHD Course that I’m hosting with my friend Jesse Anderson! We will be working together as an ongoing cohort, learning about the basics of ADHD and having regular breakout sessions with your ADHD peers to put some plans into action. It’s a great way to meet others on a similar journey, and work together on developing strategies unique to you.
Grab your spot soon and get 30% OFF using promo code: REFOCUS30
This week on the podcast…
Are you in a high-pressure career while also trying to navigate your ADHD symptoms? If so, this is probably the episode for you. Join me as I sit down with TV Host and Sports Broadcaster, Erin Coscarelli. Erin and I dive deep into the chaos of holding it all together in a high-profile role, often while on LIVE TV. We talk about some strategies that she uses to find balance and also the correlation between careers in the broadcasting industry and the strengths of ADHDers.
One last thing…
If you want to show your support of the work that I’m doing in the ADHD Community, please consider becoming a paid supporter! 💙 Paid subscribers get access to more content and I plan to continue to add value for these supporters.