Free ADHD Workbook for Newbies
Subscribe now to get access to my Free ADHD Workbook for Newbies. It’s for anyone who is just discovering their ADHD. This was the guide that I needed when I was first diagnosed - I created it with you in mind.
Basic ADHD terms
Time Blindness Questionnaire
Prompts to get you thinking about your ADHD symptoms
Time Tracker
Ways to build your ADHD toolbox
You’ll also get my weekly newsletter, My Lady ADHD, where I share strategies and thoughts on how to better manage ADHD and tips from the community.
NOTE: if the button says Upgrade to paid that’s because you’re already subscribed to My Lady ADHD. Thank you!
Your original welcome email should have a link to download your free guide.
If you can’t find it, you can also send an email to with the subject “SEND WORKBOOK” and I’ll send you the download link. This is done manually so it may take awhile before I can send it, but signing up will send you the link right away!