I’ve been trying to wrap my head around the idea of simplifying my life. What does that actually look like for someone with ADHD? What parts of my life can be simplified? Let’s look at that, together.
I read an article in Additude magazine recently that put it this way, “The ADHD brain craves stimulation. It often performs well amid bursts of chaos and pressure. But when stress and external pressure continuously build, our brains freeze up. To reset your brain, you must simplify your life.” I read that last sentence over and over again… “To reset your brain, you must simplify your life”. 🤔 So, what does that look like? We’ll get to that.. but first, a poll:
So, how can we simplify things to help us reset?
🌟Learn to say “no” - Ugghhhhhhh. I hate this advice. I really do. But, man if it isn’t critical for someone with ADHD. We have to learn to look at our time/energy as a precious commodity and use it wisely. Practice saying “no” to smaller things at first, and work your way up to the really tough ones.
🌟Clear physical clutter - Less items to look at around you means less overwhelm. Do you REALLY need allll of those makeup brushes in your bathroom every single day?? Maybe you only use 2 a majority of the time - put the other ones awaaaaayyy. Pay attention to what you’re actually using during your morning routine and eliminate extras. Start there.
🌟Schedule in down time - Preferably to meditate. Yeah. I said it. Meditating strengthens neural connections and can literally change the configuration of these networks. We need this time. If meditation is difficult for you, start with a 4-5 minute guided meditation. 😉Your brain will thank you for it.
Let’s keep it simple and just stick with these three for now. Pick up a few things around you after you meditate and then tell someone “no”. 🤣 ✔️✔️✔️
If you’re an ADHD Entrepreneur struggling with feeling overwhelmed, chaotic, and lost in your business, I just opened up TWO coaching spots for 1:1 coaching. I want to help you simplify things while growing your business in a way that serves you (and your customers) best. Sign up for a 45-min Intro call and let’s talk about it. 😘
I’m also sooo excited to share this week’s episode of the My Lady ADHD Podcast! If you're regularly stuck in a bout of procrastination and looking for ways to find motivation - check out this episode featuring George Sachs, Clinical Psychologist specializing in ADHD and ASD, Founder of the Sachs Center, and Co-Founder of Inflow. We chat about his procrastination checklist, Autism, and a few other tangents you don't wanna miss!